The Book

During the last two years I have been traveling. I have traveled throughout a great world that I think most of you, the authors, have explored. I must say…it is a crazy world out there!

This book is a story, based on not only my but also your journey as indie authors.

This book is dedicated to you, the author. It does not matter in which genre you are writing, you will probably experience (or you may already have) the same journey, that I have traveled and the same journey that my hero in this book is experiencing.

This Book is about inspiration and self-belief. Belief in yourself and belief in your book.

This book ends with a request to "conquer" the #1 Best Seller Mountain, of which

I have succeeded in doing. Some of my books were (and still are) hitting the number 1 Best Seller and I DO have some tips to offer.

By now, I am sure that you have probably come across or read, the vast amount of information there is out there about how to succeed as a best-selling author.  Believe me, I know, there's lots!

Some Images from the Book :

Blurb : Our Hero find out that his Rank is High.
Later on he will find out the High Rank is not a good thing.

Our Hero, The book, Is sad because other Books have better happiness Rank.

Leaving the "land of the Indies"