Our Services

Cover Analyzing

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
What is the first thing that usually attract you to a book? Oftentimes, it is the cover of a book that attracts readers. Which stands to reason, that the Cover is important! Unfortunately it is true, "People do in fact judge a book by its cover!"

Because it is our goal to help you sell books or to attract as many readers as possible, our team will assess your book cover in several areas and provide you with an honest and detailed review regarding your cover's visual appeal, professionalism, etc... We will suggest what you should fix, what to add, and what to remove and make provide you with valuable tips on how to make your cover POP!
Price - 19.99$

When someone uses a search engine, they type in one or more words describing what they are looking for. These words or phrases are known as keywords. Therefore keywords are very important if you want to achieve SEO (search engine optimization).
Our team using tools will analyze your keywords and determine how effective they are and even provide you with the best order in which to use them. Simply copy your 7 keywords and send them to us. 

Our system is: We will provide you with 3 series of 7 keywords (Total 21). You will use each set in the exact order that we give you for 10 days. After 10 days, change sets and repeat the process until you have tested each set. After 30 days, you will know which set produced the best results for you.
Price - 29.99$

The title of a book is extremely important and it is generally the title that will grab the attention of a potential reader.
Title is one of the first things a reader will see. But it is not only important for purposes of attracting the reader, but also for the visibility in the Amazon search engine. 
So, what is your title? Can changing the title of your book affect changes in positions and ranks… Sure!
Price - 19.99$

Book Description
Did you ever place a lot of importance on the ‘Book Description’ on Amazon? If you haven't then you should. After all, this the first place that a reader will glance after checking out the COVER! It's not enough to think that just because you used a PR firm to write your description taht it will result in good SEO.

Our team of SEO analysts will analyze your description and determine its effectiveness with regards to Amazon algorithms visibility. If you don't have a description, then let our team write one for you.
Price - 39.99$

Analyzing Content
We will not read your book, not yet. Analyzing the content includes determining how the “book flows," checking pages, text, fonts, paragraph, spaces etc...
Our GUI team (Graphic User Interface) will also check the user experience in reading your book. ‘Yes!’
Also important, if your book has pictures, it is necessary to check them in different kindle devices to see how they display. Our team will check them in various devices and provide you with a detailed report.
Price - 29.99$

Book Review
Now we are at the point of reading your book.  Do you want an honest review?  Our team of reviewers, will read your book and provide you with one. We will not rate it with stars, but we will give you a real opinion of two different types of readers (UK reader and US reader) about your book. An honest review.
Price - Contact us for price quote

We are offering all of the services listed above including TWO MONTHS of promotion. You might be asking, Why two months? It's simple, good promotion takes preparation, time and must be scheduled.

We promote FREE and PAID Books!
Price - Contact us for price quote

If you have ANY questions to one of our team members, please feel free to contact our team at any time with no obligation.

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We believe in direct and personal communication so that is the reason you won't see and Automated form's to fill in.